Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) is considered the backbone of network connectivity. Technology is advancing rapidly, and we continue to witness rapid expansion and transformation in network connectivity. The advent of 5G and FTTH has resulted in a rise in demand for greater bandwidth, lower latency, and the quantum of data generation and transmission. According to estimates, the global market of cable and interconnect stands at $20 billion and there is huge demand in both the US and European markets in FTTH and broadband space. This has positively impacted the opportunity market for high-quality optical fiber in all the growing economies including India.

While there is a growing significance of optical fiber cables even in our day-to-day communication, let’s get a deeper understanding of optical fiber cables, different types of optical fiber cables, optical fiber working principle, and their key applications.

What is an Optical Fiber Cable?

Optical fiber cable, often referred to as fiber optic cable or optical cable is a technology used to transmit data over long distances with minimal signal loss. Optical fibers typically work on the principle of total internal reflection of light. It consists of thin strands of glass or plastic fibers through which light pulses are used for transmitting digital and analog data signals, including telephone, internet, and television signals. Optical fiber communication is generally preferred over other modes of communication due to fewer chances of signal degradation, high data security, cost-effectiveness, and low power consumption.

Optical Fibers Working Principle:

An optical fiber is a lengthy, cylindrical, thin thread of plain material. The center of a fiber is called a core which is covered by a protective layer made of either plastic or glass called cladding.

The optical fiber working principle involves the transmission of information using light particles, also known as photons. In optical fiber cables, both the core and the cladding have specific refractive indices that cause light to bend at a specific angle. When light signals are sent through the optical cable, they do not escape into the cladding but instead undergo a series of back-and-forth reflections, following a process known as total internal reflection. This mechanism keeps the light confined within the core, allowing for efficient data transmission.

When light within the core of the optical fiber encounters the boundary of the cladding at an angle less than 90 degrees, it reflects off the boundary instead of escaping. As light travels through the fiber, it undergoes numerous reflections and refractions, bouncing off the walls of the core. This process is instrumental in maintaining the signal's integrity and preventing its dispersion or loss. Once the light reaches the fiber's end, it gets picked up by a light-sensitive device like a photodiode. This device then transforms the light signal back into an electronic signal. This electronic signal can subsequently be amplified, processed, and sent to its ultimate destination, such as a computer, phone, or television.

That was all about the optical fiber working principle. Now let’s have a look at the different types of optical fiber cables.

Different types of Optical Fiber

Optical fibers can be differentiated based on specific applications and requirements. The key factors impacting the choice of an optical fiber cable include data transmission distance, bandwidth needs, environmental conditions, and cost considerations.

Single-Mode Fiber:

The single-mode fiber is specifically designed for long-distance and high-bandwidth transmission with a small core size, typically around 9 micrometers (µm). It is used in long-haul telecommunications, high-speed data networks, and applications where low signal attenuation and dispersion are critical.

Multimode Fiber:

As multimode fiber allows multiple modes (multiple rays of light) to propagate through the core simultaneously, it has a larger core size, typically ranging from 50 µm to 62.5 µm. It is more suitable for shorter-distance applications, such as LAN (Local Area Network) connections, data centers, and some telecommunications applications. Multi-component glass compounds such as Silica – Clad – Silica, Glass – Clad Glass, doped silica, etc., are used to make multimode fibers.

In both single-mode and multimode fibers, the core principle remains constant: data transmission through the optical fiber working principle known as total internal reflection.

Optical Fiber Working Principle

Applications of Optical Fiber Communication

India has the second largest 5G network in the world, and while various enterprises have already embarked on data-led transformations, industry experts suggest Industry 4.0 will be the next big focus area. Thus, laying out extensive optic fiber connectivity has become imperative to meet the growing demand for network connectivity and digital transformation.

Uses in Various Industries:

The applications of optical fiber communication are witnessed across various sectors, including manufacturing, retail, utilities, smart cities, gaming, augmented reality, virtual reality (AR/VR), robotics, education, and healthcare, among others.

Apart from telecommunications, industrial automation, transportation, aerospace, and defense, the adoption of the 5G network also has a huge application for optical fiber. To fully leverage the benefits of 5G, it's essential to establish a more densely woven network infrastructure that incorporates a significant amount of fiber. This robust infrastructure is necessary to meet the essential performance criteria of 5G, including extended battery life, reduced latency, ultra-high reliability, enhanced data rates, and increased connectivity for devices.

Telecommunications Networks:

The telecommunication industry is one of the key industries for optical fiber use cases. Optical fibers are used in building networking fields for transmitting and receiving purposes as they increase the speed and accuracy of the transmission data.

Data Centers:

Given the boom in the generation of industry data, the demand for data centers is expanding rapidly. To ensure ultra-fast, high-performing data transmission of data, smooth integration of new networks enabling seamless scalability and elimination of connectivity issues, optical fiber cable performance is increasingly critical.

Medical Equipment:

Given the extremely thin and flexible nature, optical fibers are used in a range of instruments employed for visualizing internal bodily structures by insertion into cavities within the body. It finds applications in surgical lasers, endoscopy, microscopy, and biomedical research.

Military and Aerospace Applications:

Fiber optics play a pivotal role in ensuring data transmission within the high-security domains of military and aerospace applications. They are utilized for wiring in aircraft, as well as in the construction of hydrophones for SONAR systems and applications in seismology.


Throughout our discussion on the optical fiber working principle, we have also delved into the various types of optical fibers and explored their wide-ranging applications. This comprehensive overview not only provides insights into the fundamental workings of optical fibers but also underscores their versatility and significance in diverse fields. While optical fiber communication is not new and has become pertinent in our daily lives, the launch of 5G services has put the focus on the deployment of optical fiber infrastructure like never before.

At HFCL, we have a strong track record of incorporating state-of-the-art technology into our comprehensive digital network solutions. These solutions facilitate fast and secure transmission of voice and data for telecommunications companies, defense organizations, and railways worldwide. Our advanced optical fiber solutions are the result of extensive research and development efforts conducted by our capable in-house team.

As a market leader in Optical Fiber Cables (OFC) manufacturing in India, HFCL is developing various types of next-generation OFC for different applications and installations like underground cables, aerial cables, micro cables, mini cables, high fiber count ribbon cables, FTTH cables, micro module cables, blown fibers, etc. These cutting-edge optical fiber products have a wide range of use cases, including long-distance communication, urban connectivity, FTTx, CATV (Cable Television), smart city infrastructure, intelligent traffic networks, access networks, defense and security, as well as premise installations.


The optical fiber working principle is known as total internal reflection. They are composed of an inner core with a higher refractive index that is encased in an outer cladding with a lower refractive index. Due to the difference in refractive indices at the core-cladding interface, light that enters the core at a particular angle bounces off the walls of the fiber as it passes through it, eventually reaching its destination.

Below are a few key differentiators between optical fiber communication and wireless communication.

Medium: Wireless communication relies on electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, microwaves, or infrared, for transmitting data via the air, whereas optical fiber communication employs glass or plastic fibers to transmit data using light.

Speed and Capacity: Optical fibers are suitable for high-speed internet and long-distance data transmission because they can carry data at considerably faster rates and with a larger bandwidth than wireless communication.

Security: Optical fibers are typically more secure since wireless signals can be more easily intercepted without having physical access to the fiber.

Interference: While optical fibers are resistant to electromagnetic interference, wireless communication can be affected by interference from surrounding physical objects and other electronic devices.

Light travels through optical fibers, via multiple internal reflections. Light is prevented from escaping the fiber's core when it reaches the core at an angle greater than the critical angle and reflects off the core-cladding contact. This repetitive reflection preserves the integrity of the light signal while allowing it to go through the fiber.

With the ongoing digitization, the optical fiber cable industry has also witnessed various technological breakthroughs. While the currently available optic fiber counts in the industry are as high as 6,912, industry manufacturers are now trying to develop an entire range of these products that allows packing more fiber into a cable and lowering the diameter of cables without compromising the performance of cables in the field. To meet the specific industry demand, industry players are focusing on compact design high-fiber-count cable products that are easy for installations/terminations and consume less duct space.