Optical Fiber (OF) forms the core of any OFC product, and HFCL is proud to be one of the finest producers of high-quality and multi-configuration Optical Fiber. HFCL facility manufacturing Optical Fiber houses the latest cutting-edge machinery delivering premium products, enabling HFCL to maintain its leadership in this segment. Our in-house R&D teams ensure product superiority at each level of the manufacturing value chain.

Bend Insensitive g652d Single Mode Fiber

Flexi Bend

Flexi Bend is a single mode fiber that features zero water peak and low attenuation losses in the entire bandwidth range along with enhanced bend insensitivity. Other characteristics of this fiber are improved performance in macro bend loss, lower splice losses, and lesser dispersion losses leading to better transmission capabilities.

This fiber complies and exceeds the ITU – T G.652.D and ITU – T G.657.A1 standards.


  • Long-haul transmission
  • Metro networks
  • Mobile networks
  • Access networks
  • FTTX networks

Key Specifications

Attribute Unit Value
Transmission Properties
Attenuation @ 1310 nm dB/km ≤ 0.33
Attenuation @ 1383 nm dB/km ≤ 0.31
Attenuation @ 1550 nm dB/km ≤ 0.19
Attenuation @ 1625 nm dB/km ≤ 0.21
PMD coefficient (Individual Fiber) ps/ ≤ 0.1
Macro Bend Loss
1 turn around 10 mm radius dB ≤ 0.50 @ 1550 nm
≤ 1.50 @ 1625 nm
1 turn around 16 mm radius db ≤ 0.03 @ 1550 nm
10 turn around 15 mm radius db ≤ 0.10 @ 1550 nm
≤ 0.30 @ 1625 nm
100 turn around 25 mm radius db ≤ 0.03 @ 1310 nm
≤ 0.03 @ 1550 nm
Geometrical Characteristics
Coating Diameter µm 242 ± 5
Mode Field Diameter µm 9.2 ± 0.4 @ 1310 nm
10.4 ± 0.5 @ 1550 nm

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