From telemedicine to remote monitoring, digital tools are changing the way healthcare is delivered. According to a recent report by MarketsandMarkets, the global 5G market in healthcare is expected to reach $3667 million by 2026. The transformative potential of private 5G networks becomes palpable when we examine real-world applications.
For example, Rambam Health Care Campus in Israel has implemented a private 5G network to support its smart hospital initiative, which uses a range of connected devices and sensors to monitor patient health in real-time. With the private 5G network, doctors and nurses can access patient data quickly and securely, allowing for more efficient and accurate diagnosis and treatment.
In this blog, we will take a closer look at what is private 5G and what are the benefits of private 5G in the healthcare industry.

What is Private 5G?

Private 5G is a wireless network that is designed to provide dedicated and secure connectivity for a specific organization or location. It uses the same technology as public 5G networks but is exclusive to a single user or organization, rather than being available to the general public.
Private 5G networks can be customized to meet the specific needs of the user or organization. With a private 5G network in place, an organization can streamline its operations, reduce downtime, and improve productivity. At the same time, the private 5G network provides a secure and reliable wireless connectivity solution that protects an organization’s sensitive data and ensures smooth and efficient operations. Apart from deploying private 5G in healthcare, there are other use cases of private 5G including manufacturing plants, and transportation, to name a few.

Why do medical facilities need private 5G?

According to recent research conducted by Analysys Mason, it has been found that 75% of large healthcare enterprises are planning to deploy private 5G networks by 2024. This rapid adoption can be attributed to several factors, including the need to improve efficiency and patient care, the growing utilization of IoT devices in healthcare, and the requirement for digitizing medical procedures.
In healthcare, reliable connectivity is a crucial aspect of operations, as it facilitates the exchange of critical data and enables quick decision-making. Without a robust connectivity solution, hospitals may face numerous challenges, such as delayed diagnoses, prolonged treatment times, and suboptimal patient outcomes. Additionally, poor connectivity can also cause operational inefficiencies, resulting in longer wait times, increased costs, and lower staff productivity.

Private 5G in healthcare

Private 5G Use Cases in Healthcare

Benefits of Private 5G in Healthcare

To overcome these challenges, many healthcare organizations are now investing in private 5G networks. Furthermore, private 5G networks can help healthcare providers deliver more personalized and precise care by enabling real-time data analysis and remote monitoring of patients.
Some of the benefits of private 5G in healthcare are mentioned below:

Increased Bandwidth and Speed

One of the main benefits of using private 5G in healthcare is the increased bandwidth and speed it offers. Healthcare organizations deal with large amounts of data, such as medical images, which need to be transferred quickly and securely. With a private 5G network, healthcare professionals can enjoy faster data transfer speeds and more bandwidth, which can help improve patient care and outcomes.

Enhanced Security and Privacy

Healthcare organizations deal with sensitive patient information that must be protected from unauthorized access. Private 5G in healthcare offer enhanced security and privacy, as they are not accessible to the general public. This means that patient data can be transmitted securely and without the risk of interception or data breaches.

Improved Connectivity

In the healthcare industry, reliable connectivity is crucial for the efficient delivery of care. Private 5G networks can offer improved connectivity, as they can be tailored to meet the specific needs of healthcare organizations. This means that healthcare professionals can stay connected and communicate seamlessly, regardless of their location within the hospital or medical facility.

Increased Mobility and Flexibility

Another benefit of private 5G in healthcare is increased mobility and flexibility, as they can be used to connect a wide range of devices and technologies, such as wearables, sensors, and IoT devices. This can help healthcare professionals monitor patient health in real-time, which can lead to faster diagnosis and treatment.

Challenges of Implementing Private 5G in Healthcare

Increased Cost

Setting up a private 5G network can be costly due to the need for substantial investments in infrastructure and equipment. However, the long-term benefits, such as improved patient outcomes and lower expenses, may outweigh the initial expenses.

Integration with Legacy Systems

Another challenge with private 5G in healthcare is integrating a private 5G network with existing legacy systems can be challenging, as it requires significant technical expertise and resources. Healthcare organizations must ensure that their systems are compatible with the new network, which can require additional investments in software and hardware.

Regulatory Compliance

Healthcare organizations must comply with strict regulatory requirements for data privacy and security. Private 5G networks must adhere to these regulations, which can require additional resources and expertise.

5G Compatible Devices

Another reason why hospitals are reluctant to adopt private 5G technology is the absence of devices that are compatible with 5G technology. This means that the devices used in hospitals, such as medical equipment, may not be able to work with the latest 5G network, which could cause compatibility issues and hinder their ability to effectively communicate with one another. As a result, hospitals may need to replace their existing equipment with newer, 5G-compatible models, which can be costly.

Final Words

The deployment of private 5G in healthcare is gathering momentum, and it's no surprise why. Private 5G networks have the potential to revolutionize healthcare by providing high-speed and reliable connectivity that enables faster and more efficient transmission of critical data. In healthcare, private 5G networks can be used to support a wide range of applications, including remote patient monitoring, telemedicine, virtual reality-based surgical training, and mobile healthcare services.
Private 5G networks offer several advantages over traditional wired networks, including greater scalability, faster deployment, and more robust security. With private 5G networks, healthcare providers can ensure the confidentiality and integrity of patient data, which is critical for complying with regulations and maintaining trust with patients. While the deployment of private 5G in healthcare is still in its early stages, there is a growing recognition of the potential benefits of this technology. As the technology continues to evolve and become more affordable, we will likely see more healthcare providers adopting private 5G networks to support their critical operations.


Public 5G is a wireless network technology that is accessible to anyone with a compatible device and a subscription to a wireless carrier. Private 5G, on the other hand, is a network that is owned and operated by an organization, such as a hospital or any other enterprise and is used exclusively by that organization.

  • Increased data speed
  • Reliable data transmission
  • Better security and privacy

Private 5G can be used for a variety of applications in healthcare, such as remote monitoring of patients, real-time video conferencing for telemedicine, and enabling connected medical devices to communicate with each other.