As the number of wireless devices connected to the Internet continues to grow, establishing a network that spans a large area requires the deployment of a substantial number of wireless devices. Network management companies are tasked with the challenge of configuring and monitoring thousands of these devices, including Access Points, Unlicensed Band Radios, Routers, and Switches that form part of the network. Managing a large-scale network can be a complex process and demands a comprehensive central network management solution that is robust, and secure and helps configure and manage network devices with ease to ensure seamless connectivity and performance.

That’s where Wireless LAN Controllers (WLCs) come in.

WLCs are used to configure and monitor Access Points. They are responsible for authenticating and authorizing clients, and all the configurations are done by the network administrator on the WLC. The Access Points, which are registered to the WLC, then download the configurations from the WLC and function as a wireless interface for the clients. Using WLCs to configure Access Points in thin mode along with an on-premises Network Management System (NMS) is an effective way to simplify the management of your network while also providing secure and reliable access to your network. administrator needs to be physically present to monitor, upgrade, and resolve any network issues. This can be difficult to manage, especially if the organization is in a remote location.

However, if you are considering using an on-prem Network Management System to manage your wireless network, it is essential to understand the potential limitations of this solution

A Wireless Controller is a piece of software that requires a physical server to run on, and you will need to account for the cost of installing and maintaining that server. Additionally, regular backups should be taken to ensure data recoverability in case of any service failure. For organizations that need uninterrupted service, a secondary server may need to be added as a backup.

Moreover, WLC is responsible for storing and processing the management & control packets exchanged between the Access Points, RADIUS server, DHCP server, and the clients. Due to this, a WLC can only register a limited number of devices. If you need to add more Access Points, the physical resources (RAM, storage, and processors) of the WLC will need to be upgraded, further adding to the capital and operational & maintenance costs and the long network downtimes required for the upgradation process.

To add to this, it is pertinent to keep in mind the network dependency that comes with the system. A wireless local area network (WLAN) consists of a Network Management System, wireless controller (WLC) and access points. These components are all connected to the same network, which means that any remote management or configuration of the APs may not be possible. A network administrator needs to be physically present to monitor, upgrade, and resolve any network issues. This can be difficult to manage, especially if the organization is in a remote location.

The Cloud Network Management Solution

A Cloud-based Network Management System overcomes these challenges by shifting the controller from an on-premises server to a cloud-based server

In the past decade, cloud computing has revolutionized delivering software services. This new model of software delivery, known as Software as a Service (SaaS), is rapidly being adopted by solution providers to address customer needs quickly and effectively.

SaaS has simplified the delivery process by taking away the burden of physical dependencies and maintenance tasks. By hosting a solution on the cloud, the solution provider can rest assured that the cloud platform will take care of tasks such as backups and scaling of resources, such as processing and storage. This has allowed solution providers to focus on the problem at hand and deliver services faster than ever before.

Cloud Network Management Systems (cNMS) might be the ideal solution for managing large networks. By tailoring the Network Management System as a SaaS solution, you can offload much of the operational and maintenance work to the cloud platform, eliminating the need for purchasing and installing servers and the associated system’s operating costs.

Moreover, an on-premises WLC requires multiple IP addresses from the company pool, as the underlying processes need these addresses to function. By taking advantage of the cNMS, you can free up your IP addresses for other business-critical needs

Moreover, an on-premises WLC requires multiple IP addresses from the company pool, as the underlying processes need these addresses to function. By taking advantage of the cNMS, you can free up your IP addresses for other business-critical needs

  • Auto-scaling: The cloud-based controller automatically increases or decreases the controller's processing power and storage capacity based on the amount of data and packets sent by the Access Points. This ensures that the network has enough resources to manage any spikes in traffic while avoiding the need to add additional controllers and increase network complexity. Plus, since the resources are scaled up and down according to usage, you only pay for the resources that you use. So, when network usage is low, you do not have to pay for resources you don't need. Auto-scaling with a cloud-based controller is an efficient way to manage wireless networks, reduce network complexity, and save time, and money.

  • Remote Management:Another advantage of the cloud-based NMS is that the controllers can be accessed, configured & managed from anywhere without the need for network admins to be physically present. This is especially useful for large, distributed networks, as it eliminates the need for multiple administrators and allows for greater control and efficiency.

  • Uninterrupted network:One of the biggest advantages of using a cloud-based controller is the communication between the Access Points (APs) and the controller. The APs use the Asynchronous Messaging Queuing Protocol (AMQP) to communicate with the cloud controller. In this case, the APs need to be in the ‘thick’ mode, where the configuration- Authentication & encryption management is done on the AP itself, instead of downloading the configuration settings from the WLC. Due to this, the clients can enjoy uninterrupted services even when connectivity between the APs and the cloud controller breaks, as all the configuration is uploaded on the AP itself. This is in contrast to the WLC, where the clients won’t be able access the network whenever the there is break in the connectivity between the controller and APs.

  • SecurityCloud-based Network Controllers are susceptible to security lapses & network attacks since they are deployed outside of the network of a company. The communication between the various network devices and the cloud controller contains sensitive data that makes it vulnerable to unwarranted attacks. This makes it essential for the platform hosts to ensure that the controller as well as the network devices use the latest security protocols and encryption techniques so that their communication is secure and cannot be decrypted by the attackers.


Migrating your network to the cloud is an efficient & cost-effective way to manage your entire wireless network devices with ease. You will save money on server operational and maintenance costs by utilizing the cloud. Plus, you will be able to scale your computational and processing resources according to your network traffic. The best part? You will only pay for the resources you use. The underlying cloud platform will also automatically oversee your system and database backups. And if your cloud server, where your controller’s virtual machine exists, crashes, the cloud platform will ensure that there’s seamless data recovery and operation of your wireless network.

Ready to learn more about our Cloud Network Management Solution? Visit our cNMS page to find out how we can help you make the most of your network! Our cNMS is the easiest way for solution providers to deliver managed networking services by giving you complete visibility over network configuration and uptime. Multi-level management accounts give you the ability to set roles (owner, admin, viewer) and provide key users access to specific networks. With an interactive User Interface, our cNMS provides easy plug-n-play deployment and the necessary flexibility and scalability to scale the entire network without having to worry about the infrastructure and other capital costs.